
Showing posts from March, 2019

New Wheels

Mini Man March Layout 22 Looking for a simple mixed media technique with an amazing "WOW" factor? Gather up your oxides, foundations paper (or gessoed cardstock), and a mister to create something likes this! It's super simple; just swipe a bit of distress oxide onto the paper, mist it, and lift the paper so that the colorful water trickles down and blends with any nearby colors. Then embellish accordingly. With this one I went with the color blocking look. Here's the process video:

Love To Splash

Mini Man March Layout 21 This layout took me about 3 days to finish mainly because of the hand-stitched cut file (designed by Paige Evans). Used distress oxides and Shimmerz to create the background, and then finished it off with some chipboard and cardstock stickers. Process video:

Ready, Set, Go Times

Mini Man March Layout 20 Sharing another multi-picture layout. Originally wanted to document 4 photos, but couldn't get them all trimmed down to the same size. Process video:

Brothers' Love

Mini Man March layout 19 Used Doodblebug's Anchors Away collection with a mixed media background of modeling paste, Shimmerz and circle stencil. Process video:

One Cool Kid and A Brave Lil' Dude (2 Layouts)

Mini Man March Layout 17-18 Made these almost simultaneously in less than an hour by following a sketch that I shared on my Facebook group (Crafters' Corner). Used up quite a bit of phrasal embellishments because I focused on talking about my sons' personalities, qualities, and things that they liked and went from there.

Walt Disney World Mini Album Flip-Through

Taking a break from Mini Man March to share a flipthrough of a mini album I made about 3 years ago to document our week in Walt Disney World. Ended up doubling the album because my pictures didn't quite fit. In all, I used Simple Stories Say Cheese 1, 2, and 3 and 2 6x8 Sn@p albums. They hold around 210 pictures in 60 pages/inserts. Here's the link:

Lil Mister Big Man

Mini Man March Layout 16 Love the colors! I used mostly Simple Stories Lil Dude collection sprinkled with Crate Paper's Cool Kid and Echo Park's Imagine That collections. Used a 3x4 journaling card as my title. Had a scallop border leftover from an old kit which went perfect with the color scheme and added a border sticker to the left side of the page. Placed a small journaling space to the lower left side of the page to help in guiding the eye around and then created 3 embellishment clusters.

Tech Guy

Mini Man March Layout 15 Here's a mixed media and shaker layout all wrapped up into one layout. I used a cut file by Virginia Walker (link at the bottom of this post) and distress oxides. The rest came by pretty quickly. Link to process video: Link to Virginia's Cut File shop : COAPACutfiles (Confessions of a Paper Addict)ā€¦

Love Sleepy Mornings

Mini Man March - Layout 14 This layout was inspired by a sketch shared on the Vicki Boutin Mixed Media Community Facebook Group for the month of March. I pretty much stayed within the general idea of the sketch with the exception that I added an extra cluster in the middle of the layout. Here's the process video:

9 Plump Months

Mini Man March Layout 13 Followed a sketch shared on the Hip Kit Club's Facebook Club, but stretched it to include 3 pictures. Used up a bunch a strips of patterned paper. Here's the process video:

Stay Little, Little Man

Mini Man March - Layout 11 Went simple with this one; simple layering, simple mixed media, simple embellishments which all add up to an amazing layout. It was inspired by a sketch shared on the Vicki Boutin Mixed Media Community group here on Facebook. Here's the process video:

At The Swings

Mini Man March - Layout 10 Loved how this one turned out. I cut out a free cut file by Paige Evans which featured these flowers as a border all around the page, but my blade needs changing so it messed up some of the flowers. I fixed it by cutting out all the usable flowers, backed them with various tones of yellows and greens, and arranged them as a flower "cloud" beneath my pictures. Tucked yellow and green buttons beneath some of the flowers for added details and splattered Brass Knuckles (Shimmerz) on the background (patterned paper from Whimsical). The rest came easily by adding some brown sequins (SpiegelMomscraps) and rhinestones from my stash.  

Brothers Are Better Than Superheroes

Mini Man March - Layout 8 Inspired by a sketch that was shared on the Scrapbook and Cards Today Facebook group. The original had 2 pictures so I added in an extra one and used one of the cut apart cards as my title. Used Echo Park's Imagine That and My Mind's Eye Blast Off collections as well as many tiny embellishments. Added some white acrylic paint splatters to the background and wrote my journaling with a white gel pen.

Cute As A Button

Mini Man March - Layout 7 Loved this idea! I was inspired by a sketch to make this one, but I also wanted to use a ledger paper I had so I mixed them both by tweaking the sketch to fit the space in the ledger paper, added some extra journaling up top and loved the result. Process Video: